
By , August 10, 2009 7:37 am

The Association is one of the most active NGO of Nongkrem village and its surrounding area which covers around 30 villages of Khyrim Syiemship in East Khasi Hills District of Meghalaya. Since the last 15 years of it’s existence, the Association has been working to its utmost potential as far rending help and assistance to the people in various fields. The Association strictly follows its bye-laws and tries it’s best to implement the Aims and Objectives as per its Constitution. The total number of members at present is 255.

Area of Operation: The Area of Operation/ Jurisdiction of the Association cover the whole state of Meghalaya. But at present it covers the entire Nongkrem village and around 30 other villages under the Mylliem Syiemship in East Khasi Hills District.

Date of Establishment: 21st July 1990.

Registration: The Association is registered under the Government of Meghalaya vide

Registration No.:  SR/NYDA-178/94 of 1994 on the nineteenth day of April 1994.

Award: Based on it’s active performance of activities and programmes organized and implemented, the Association received the BEST DISTRICT YOUTH CLUB AWARD for the year 1999-2000 followed by the STATE YOUTH CLUB AWARD for the year 2000-2001. Both these awards were given jointly by the Government of Meghalaya & Nehru Yuva Kendra.

The Association has decided to submit an application for National Youth Club Award during this year 2008 – 2009.

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